New York Times staffer rape/death-threatens author, for unveiling alleged journalistic malfeasance-
NY Times’s lawyer advises Times staffer: “Hide misdeeds from Google searches”-
Evidence strongly shows that NY Times plagiarized author’s work and conspired with Gawker to suppress author-
Gawker’s Nick Denton threatens to fire/ blacklist any journalists tasked with reporting on misconduct-
Media bullies author and colludes in cover-up
Jeffrey Henson Scales, a New York Times photographer and editor, and/or his wife Meg Henson Scales, also a former New York Times contributor, have admittedly and continuously harassed and violently threatened author Abbe Diaz for well over a year now— for unveiling an alleged New York Times impropriety involving their daughter, NY Times "essayist," Coco Henson Scales.
Despite being warned not to contact Diaz (nor any affiliates of the PX This website) in accordance with the Aggravated Harassment report filed by Diaz with the Detective Squad of the New York Police Department, persistent malicious messages by the Henson-Scaleses (which were originally posted as comments to Diaz on the PX This website under such pseudonyms as “Wanda Smith,” “til8x8x8is4,” and “Jesus Palacios”) have included such malevolent sentiments as [entirely sic]:
“if you don’t take your shit about Coco?? You WILL lose the bullsit you have… ll change your mind. Keep an eye on your front and your back: WHORE.
You disgusting piece of smegma. I’d go to the electric chair laughing, if I only got to kill you.”
“… I will tell you this, though. IF I ever find your twisted weave within reachin’ distance of me, I will likely break your neck- if you have one, you no-necked piece of filth… I hope you die soon. I’ll keep my eye you, cunt.”
“you keep that shit lies about Coco? you fucking bitch. you twat. wannaget raped?“
“Keep talking about Coco Henson Scales. You must think actions doon’t have consequences”
Married a millionaire, my ass… Turning tricks for old men… Please. Just kill yourself. Make the world a better place.”
“… This is you first and last warnings. Take down your vicious drag queen sheet about Coco and Meg (I know them both); or your shit’s bout to be fried.
You ain’t nuttin but a losin, fugly, stupid bitch, with nuttin to work with.
Why you don’t kill yourself?
Jes sayin. YOU AIN’T SHIT.
Coco and Meg may not be able to hurt you, but WE WILL. NOW.”
Multiple attempts have been made to contact The New York Times, and an NYPD Detective has tried directly phoning the Henson-Scaleses, to no avail. Throughout this entire extended period, neither Abbe Diaz nor any associate of PX This has ever received a direct response from either The New York Times, its legal counsel, nor its Public Editor (whose responsibility “deals specifically with issues of journalistic integrity“).
Rather, the The Times’s sole acknowledgement of the direly unscrupulous matter was issued by New York Times Assistant General Counsel, David McCraw, in a response letter apparently penned to Times staffer Jeffrey Henson-Scales, as legal advisement against Abbe Diaz’s staunch implementation of her First Amendment Rights (in addressing the persistent harassment and threats on her websites and ongoing memoir). McCraw’s written counsel to Scales was quoted verbatim and posted in the comment section of the PX This website by Meg Henson-Scales.
PX This has reached out via email to Times General Counsel David McCraw for clarification on his remarks, which included the suggestion that the Henson-Scaleses retain a "reputation management company" to "push the unpleasant content way down in a Google search," but, again, to this day, has received no reply.
This story will continue to be updated as it progresses.
* * *
The apparent motives and complete timeline of the cyber-harassment and physical threats are as follows:
• In late May of 2004, Abbe Diaz publishes her first book, titled PX This – Diary of the “Maitre d’ to the Stars” [née Diary of the Potted Plant], chronicling over four years of her experience within world-renowned fine-dining organizations. The memoir retains its original dated and time-stamped daily journal format.
[It’s worth noting that in the four-plus years it took Diaz to write and publish her daily journal, never had there been any such “star-studded” publication by a front-of-house restaurant worker.]
• In mid June 2004, Diaz advertises PX This on Gawker for several weeks.
• On July 11 2004, an article appears in the New York Times titled, “The Hostess Diaries: My Year at a Hotspot,” ostensibly written by “Coco Henson Scales.” It describes several incidents involving such celebrities as Naomi Campbell, three former first daughters of the United States, and Monica Lewinsky.
The owner of the “hotspot,” Karim Amatullah, later asserts that quotes attributed to him were never confirmed for veracity, the essay was never fact-checked by the Times, and that certain events narrated in the damaging essay “never happened.”
Additionally, the article fails to disclose in any way that “Coco Henson Scales,” the ostensible author of the pejorative essay, is the daughter of a New York Times staffer.
• On July 12 2004, Choire Sicha, the head editor of Gawker, praises and lionizes the Times essay on the media-centric blog, calling it “required reading.” He states that he has checked the identity of “Coco” and that she is indeed a “real person,” as confirmed by “somebody who used to work in an office with her.”
Sicha further promulgates the essay on his own blog,, and deems Coco Henson Scales “the people’s hero.”
Sicha fails to disclose in any way that “Coco Henson Scales” is the daughter of a New York Times staffer, nor does he disclose his own romantic relationship with Frank Bruni, the foremost restaurant columnist for The New York Times.
• Immediately, multiple fans of PX This send e-mails to Gawker comparing the “required reading” essay to Diaz’s book, with at least one noting that PX This had been advertised on Gawker mere weeks prior.
• On July 15 2004, Choire Sicha e-mails Diaz asking for the “campaign” to “stop.” He calls himself a “big fan” of Diaz.
• Diaz responds to Sicha with a link to a just-published July 15 New York Daily News article announcing the release of PX This. Sicha responds, “mmm hot,” but does not publicly acknowledge the existence of PX This in any way, nor its obvious similarity to his “required reading” essay— despite PX This having been advertised on Gawker less than four weeks prior.
• Over the following years, Diaz is subjected to journalistic transgressions and unethical deeds of varying degrees on multiple accounts— including libel, censorship, and unwarranted denigration— by Gawker, The New York Post, New York magazine, Eater, etc. It’s notable that Eater’s founder is a former managing editor of Gawker, and that at least one New York magazine editor is a former head editor of Gawker.*
[* As of mid-2017, Choire Sicha, the former head editor of Gawker, has been granted the title of Style Editor of The New York Times.]
• In March of 2008, the dubious New York Times essay by "Coco Henson Scales" is published in a collection of short stories edited by Ira Glass, titled The New Kings of Nonfiction. The book fails to disclose in any way the relationship of the "essayist" to a New York Times staffer.
• Starting in 2010, Diaz [still unaware as to the relationship of Coco Henson Scales to a NY Times staffer] attempts to hire a freelance journalist to pen an objective investigative report on “how, against all odds, a 4200-word semi-fictional essay by a fledgling (and now, seemingly non-existent) writer with admittedly very little expertise and no upper-tier title in one’s field, came to be published in the venerable New York Times as a substantial nonfictional feature— particularly without any ‘questions asked’ nor ‘arguments clarified’ nor ‘factual errors caught’ (as per the Times’s Op-Ed submissions page).”
In the six years since the publication of the 2004 essay, Coco Henson Scales, a “king of nonfiction,” writes nothing further. Absolutely no online presence exists for Coco Henson Scales.
• In 2012, Diaz offers the writers of Slacktory the investigative reporter challenge. Nick Douglas, the owner of Slacktory responds, "ATTENTION SLACKTORY WRITERS: Any of you who take this job will be summarily fired, and your health insurance retroactively revoked. I have orders straight from Nick Denton, [owner of Gawker] for whom I still obviously work."
• In July 2014, Abbe Diaz releases her second book, titled PX Me, detailing her decade-long experiences. Within it, mounting evidence alleges that Choire Sicha, Frank Bruni, and Coco Henson Scales colluded to misappropriate her work in order to garner a “book deal” and/or “screen option” for themselves.
Diaz speculates that the dubious essay was in actuality ghost-written by Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni (seemingly buttressed by the corroboration of writing stylometry software developed by Drexel University academicians) and was then subsequently lionized on Gawker by Choire Sicha, Bruni’s former romantic partner.
Diaz also discovers the relationship between Coco and Jeffrey Henson Scales, a New York Times photographer/editor, and the current whereabouts of “Coco Henson Scales” aka Coco Tigre Phillips.
She further asserts that Gawker owner Nick Denton colluded in the suppression of the mounting evidence detailed in PX Me, by threatening to blacklist freelance journalists.
• The New York Times and its Public Editor, Margaret Sullivan, are contacted via e-mail three times over a period of several weeks, requesting comment/clarification on Diaz’s published allegations. The Times does not respond.
• In August of 2014, Jeffrey Henson Scales writes in his Tumblr blog (created June 2014) revealing Times “essayist” Coco Henson Scales as his daughter. He further attempts to clarify that the dubious essay in question was commissioned by NY Times Art Editor Barbra Graustark.
This, ten years later, is the very first disclosure of the relationship of the “essayist” to a Times staffer; it is the very first disclosure that the disparaging and damaging essay was specifically commissioned by an editor of The New York Times.
• Starting in October of 2014, “troll” messages by "Wanda Smith" and user-handle "til8x8x8is4" begin to appear on Abbe Diaz’s websites. They state such things as:
"Abbe is a moron- a hostile, filthy, moron. Let’s not worry. She’ll be gone soon, like every thing she’s attempted to ‘rite’."
"I hope ALL that parfum helps to cut that nasty stank emanating from your STD ass. You are the WORST. Bitch. Ever."
They are oddly reminiscent of two 2004 e-mails sent to Diaz by a "William Diggs"; immediately following the publication of Coco Henson Scales’s essay— despite the NY Times and Gawker never having acknowledged/publicized the existence of PX This. [In 2004, Diaz’s book and website were primarily considered "esoteric."]
"You must be a horrible disappointment to yourself to call Coco such horrible names. Somewhere in you, you must know that your restaurant job isn’t"moonlighting"; that you’re a total failure. I know her, and she’s great. You, clearly, are much less than that. One thing, though– I didn’t know they had maitre d’s at Burger King. Are you volunteering, or what?"
“You have so little class (unlike Coco), and are obviously so beneath EVERYone, I don’t think I’ll bother with you anymore. You’re nothing but an under-educated foul mouthed wretch. You’ll be on the sidelines cursing at your betters forever. Tata, loser.”
• On November 18 2014, a threatening message is left on Abbe Diaz’s website:
“Your head is so far up your ass. Because YOU haven’t a scintilla of talent, you assume coco is (puke) like yoour nothing ass.
Let it go. She wrote it. She didn’t like the writer’s life, and lives happily with her husband and daughter.
I will tell you this, though. IF I ever find your twisted weave within reachin’ distance of me, I will likely break your neck- if you have one, you no-necked piece of filth.
Coco has something you lack- talent,looks, personality, and a life that isn’t buried beneath a pile of shit. That’s you.
I hope you die soon. I’ll keep my eye you, cunt.”
The IP address is the same as those responsible for the prior malicious messages.
• On November 26 2014, the Time Warner RoadRunner IP address behind the malicious and threatening messages is online-traced and cross-referenced to a location one-half block from the residence of Jeffrey Henson Scales, in an unusual section of Manhattan. The assumption of Jeffrey Henson Scales’s innocence constitutes a statistically impossible coincidence.
• On November 28 2014, a report was filed with the New York Police Department, who deemed it Aggravated Harassment. On this website, the perpetrator of these threats was warned against further contacting Diaz, this website, nor any of its affiliates using a concealed identity.
• On December 19 2014, another threatening comment, signed "Meg Henson" was left on this website. It reads:
"… But now? I’m coming for you. Watch out, whatever you are. I don’t stop, and I don’t lose. Say ONE more lie about my wonderful TALENTED daughter, don’t make this pile of shit page disappear, and I guarantee you. You will regret it. What?!? You’re garbage and you know it, clap your hands? Clap them nasty things. I will have EVERY law enforcement agency on your nothing else SO quick. Ask around, it. You need a job! This ain’t one. Married a millionaire, my ass. NO ONE would marry you, or even befriend you. Why? Because you’re a liar, an EDP, and you need to be institutionalized. When I get your highly hidden name; it will become the prejorative for cowards. That’s what you are. Self publish, it. NO one wants you. No one. Except the police. At this point, I officially acknowledge that you are a threat to my life, and that of my family. And I WILL stand my ground, you nasty piece of nothing. Yes. I am here for you. Come find me! Let’s see what happens then, fugly mind, soulless, unwanted, it. Come get some. File this under BYE! You’re gone."
It was followed hours later by another message stating:
"Your failed life sounds miserable. Turning tricks for old men,deluding yourself into thinking you’re a writer? Please. Just kill yourself. Make the world a better place."
Diaz considers the blatant psychological projection of the continuing messages "disturbing" and "alarming."
• On December 20 2014, the evidence of continuing harassment and threats was filed with the New York Police Department.
• On February 1 2015, MORE threatening and abusive messages were left on Abbe Diaz’s other website. They include malicious sentiments such as:
“you keep that shit lies about Coco? you fucking bitch. you twat. wannaget raped?“
“Keep talking about Coco Henson Scales. You must think actions doon’t have consequences. But you are a sychopath. Arent you?“
Unlike all the prior messages, they were posted with the use of a free server proxy which distorts IP address locations and masks the identity of the online service provider. These messages have been traced to an empty field in a remote rural area of Utah.
• On February 14 2015, another threatening message was left on Diaz’s website. It reads:
“if you don’t take your shit about Coco?? You WILL lose the bullsit you have… ll change your mind. Keep an eye on your front and your back: WHORE.
You disgusting piece of smegma. I’d go to the electric chair laughing, if I only got to kill you.”
• On April 17 2015, Meg and/or Jeffrey Henson Scales reconfirm their cyber-harassment by leaving more messages via Facebook:
“Just enjoy your ‘rich husband’ (pics? No? awww)…"
• On May 18 2015, Meg Henson Scales continues the cyber-harassment of Abbe Diaz by emailing this website via Gmail:
“ … Are you transgender or schizophrenic? What’s your deal, pobrecito?…Try me. You think you’re made now? Whew! Try me. I am so done with you… You should be finished, now. And take down those vile lies about us, or you’ll always be Poor. Always. Be. Poor.
Think about it a lot harder, crazy,
You will either be in jail, or always be poor. Or both!”
Henson’s email address has been online traced to the same residence as the original IP address under which the harassment began.
• On June 17 2015, another harassing message was left on popular Q&A website Quora in response to the question, "How does a false story get into The New York Times?" Although screen-captured and posted to the PX This website, the “answer” was promptly deleted by Quora administrators upon its discovery, and anonymity privileges were revoked against its registered user to prevent further abuse of the social media platform:
“Abbe Diaz, whoever the fuck IT is… If it spent nearly as much time trying to learn it’s place in the world… It should STFU, because the wheel turns. It turns slowly,but it does turn.“
• On August 31 2015, a new “hidden” message was left on the PX This website via its "search function":
“Your lies are getting ready to cost you, nobody.”
Another message signed “Meg Henson” was also left at Diaz’s other website, stating:
“… you psychopathic piece of shit. Let’s meet soon. You name the place.”
The new Time Warner Roadrunner IP address behind these messages, despite being slightly different from the original IP address under which the cyber-harassment began, was online traced to the very same vicinity in an unusual section of Manhattan, one-half block from the residence of New York Times staffer Jeffrey Henson Scales.
• On November 6 2015, "friends" of Jeffrey and/or Meg Henson-Scales issue an additional threat against Abbe Diaz via e-mail to the PX This website, using a disposable guerillamail address:
“… This is you first and last warnings. Take down your vicious drag queen sheet about Coco and Meg (I know them both); or your shit’s bout to be fried... YOU AIN’T SHIT. Coco and Meg may not be able to hurt you, but WE WILL. NOW.”
• On December 10 2015, Meg Henson-Scales contacts the PX This website via its comment section, and encloses the aforementioned "response" by New York Times Assistant General Counsel, David McCraw, in rebuttal to Diaz’s multiple allegations of impropriety and harassment.
The NY-based TimeWarner-Roadrunner IP address under which the latest comment was posted, although somewhat different from the other IP addresses under which the harassment has progressed, was online traced to the very same Manhattan vicinity as the other IP adresses, all previously traced to the same vicinity as the Henson-Scaleses residence.
• On March 11 2016, more messages are left on Diaz’s websites, signed “Meg” and “Meg Henson Scales.” They include an untenable demand to “cease and desist” reportage of the proceedings depicted in this account, and additional fallacious accusations:
"poor souls like yourself, who are tormented by mental disease… you will regret it enormously… the voices won’t stop unless you get help!!!! Poor thing!!!! … I know who you are now."
PX This has consulted with a PhD Psychologist (who wishes to remain nameless) regarding the persistent sentiments expressed by the Henson-Scaleses. The resulting determination includes the opinion that the messages "exhibit a cognizance absent of reality" and "symptoms of Psychological Projection, *in which humans defend themselves against their own unpleasant impulses by denying their existence while attributing them to others" –that represent a "mental state" which historically/ frequently results in "physical harm to others and/or to one’s self."
Diaz finds this diagnosis worrisome.
[* Wikipedia – Psychological projection]
• On May 26 2016, the Henson-Scaleses reaffirm their persistent harassment of Abbe Diaz by e-mailing the PX This website under the very same e-mail address used previously to transmit a prior message.
This latest e-mail appears to employ a different strategy from all their prior correspondence; although maintaining a fallacious and blatantly disingenuous claim of innocence, it is the first message to Diaz and this website that does not contain any threats, insults, nor profanities.
"You then tried to get my husband fired… Think about it… I would like to go on believing that people don’t try to destroy other peoples’ lives, just because they’re not fulfilled in other areas… Take it easy, Meg"
It’s worth noting again that Abbe Diaz, and/or any affiliates of PX This, have received absolutely no communication whatsoever from either The New York Times nor its General Counsel, despite multiple attempts to contact them regarding the persistent online harassment by their staffer and other journalistic improprieties allegedly perpetrated by their organization.
As a matter of fact, Diaz’s most recent consultation with an attorney has elicited merely this informal opinion:
"If the NY Times were to terminate an employee, that could be perceived as an acknowledgement of wrongdoing and/or a collusion on their part regarding the misdeeds perpetrated by any individuals in question."
Ironically, it would seem that Abbe Diaz has, in actuality, inadvertently salvaged Scales’s career with The New York Times, due to The Times‘s apparent refusal to acknowledge, respond, or investigate Diaz’s dire accusations of journalistic misconduct– in complete contravention of the basic tenets of ethics outlined by the Society of Professional Journalists.
Diaz has penned a reply to "Meg" with the intent to publish it on her own websites and ongoing memoir. However, under the advisement of the New York Police Department and a Psychiatric Doctor who deem the perpetrator of the persistent harassment "potentially injurious, unstable", and/or "dangerous," Diaz has removed the open response from public view.
• In May of 2018, Abbe Diaz fortuitously meets a journalist who apparently recognizes her, during an informal conversation wherein Diaz discloses her full name and past work.
The journalist openly concedes to familiarity with the circumstances detailed above and refers to them as “common knowledge” within “such a small [media] industry.” She further confides, “Of course they did [the alleged misdeeds/ plagiarism]… but nobody would ever admit it” for fear of professional and/ or social repercussion.
• In October of 2018, Abbe Diaz finalizes her consultation with several attorneys, deeming financial obstacles, which hinder the pursuit of legal litigation against The New York Times for Copyright Infringement, insurmountable.
• In November of 2018, Abbe Diaz finalizes pre-production plans for an investigative documentary feature-length film regarding the aforementioned in its entirety.
• The New York Times has been contacted on numerous occasions but to this day has not responded. This story will continue to be updated as it progresses.
See also:
• The Curious Case of Coco Henson Scales
• Media Colludes in Cover-Up of Media Scandal
• New York Magazine Admits Censorship/ Collusion to Cover-Up Media Scandal
• Should I pay $10,000 for this writing assignment?
• Journalists = Rocket Surgeons
• Freelance Writer Wanted
*** This is a "mobile-friendly" summary of content originally posted to – For more information, please visit ***
“to Times General Counsel David McCraw for clarification on his remarks, which included the suggestion that the Henson-Scaleses retain a ‘reputation management company’ to ‘push the unpleasant content way down in a Google search'”
LOL, “unpleasant content.” The TRUTH you mean, Counselor?
Nice going, looks good. You probably should have told the freak he’d better call Saul!
You’re ruining my life, because YOU accused my daughter of being stupid, incapable of writing the piece she wrote for the Times.
Is it worth it?
I hope so.
Throughout this entire extended period, neither Abbe Diaz nor any associate of PX This has ever received a direct response from either The New York Times, its legal counsel, nor its Public Editor (whose responsibility “deals specifically with issues of journalistic integrity“).
Rather, the The Times’s sole acknowledgement of the direly unscrupulous matter…
This is a formal demand that you immediately Cease and Desist from maligning and making false declarations regarding me, my daughter or my husband. Your continued lies will be used against you, and you will absolutely pay far more than this should be worth to you.
I understand you went to Humanities High School. I’m sorry that your experience as an unpopular student has not resolved itself by this time. However, your continued lies and hate speech regarding me and my family, has reached the point where I will litigate, and I will win. You should be ashamed of yourself. There is help available for poor souls like yourself, who are tormented by mental disease. Please seek help. Beyond that- I reiterate. If you do not CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY; you will regret it enormously. Your fixation upon my daughter and me and my husband can be fixed. But your libelous slander MUST STOP immediately.
You’re SCHIZOPHRENIC?!? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!
You really have to get some psychological help. What happened to you in high school was LITERALLY decades ago. My daughter had NOTHING to do with it. But the voices won’t stop unless you get help!!!! Poor thing!!!!
I know who you are now.
• On March 11 2016, more messages are left on Diaz’s websites, signed “Meg” and “Meg Henson Scales.” They include an untenable demand to “cease and desist” reportage of the proceedings depicted in this account, and additional fallacious accusations:
“poor souls like yourself, who are tormented by mental disease… you will regret it enormously… the voices won’t stop unless you get help!!!! Poor thing!!!! … I know who you are now.”
PX This has consulted with a PhD Psychologist (who wishes to remain nameless) regarding the persistent sentiments expressed by the Henson-Scaleses. The resulting determination includes the opinion that the messages “exhibit a cognizance absent of reality” and “symptoms of Psychological Projection, *in which humans defend themselves against their own unpleasant impulses by denying their existence while attributing them to others” –that represents a “mental state” which historically/ frequently results in “physical harm to others and/or to one’s self.”
GOBLITY GOOK – Double take – yes believe what is written – get the meds from the street – SELF MEDICATE because you read it on-line. The guy needs help NOT YOUR DOUBLE TALK. HELL GO TALK to TOM CRUISE – He played the PART of a Psychology Doctor – HE TOLD OPRAH HE KNOWS EVERYTHING about the mind BECAUSE he had a part in a movie. LEAVE making diagnostics of the BRAIN TO THOSE WHO DO KNOW.
this all seems fake and crazy as hell.
@visitor And you seem ignorant and dumb as a rock.
why should it be deemed ignorant to question the veracity of any of this? or dumb to speculate about it being outside “the norm?” using casual language in a blog comment doesn’t necessarily correlate to a lack of understanding or education…
ugh. what makes all this worst of all is that if the situation were reversed, if it were a journalist being harassed & thretaened by a female author, you would see a constant barrage of news about how some “crazy” beeyotch has gone postal
@visitor “why should it be deemed ignorant to question the veracity of any of this?”
Because it’s all verifiable by following the links or using Google to corroborate all the information? Which, presumably, you didn’t bother to do, so you just ignored them and chose to comment out of your ass instead? Or you did use Google, but just chose to ignore the corroborating evidence and comment out of your ass instead?
Exactly which part’s veracity is not verifiable? The articles, the screen captures, the threatening comments, the actual people themselves, the evidence? All of which exist, verifiably?
So, no, it wasn’t your “casual language.” It was your apparent ignorance and idiocy that “correlated your lack of understanding” and/or “education.”
Not to mention the obvious, that The NY Times has an army of attorneys on retainer– surely not just General Counsel David McCraw. So if any of this were untrue (i.e., libelous), The Times would have much stronger/better legal and judicial recourse than, “hide it all from Google!”
Also, where’s Gawker in all this. Gawker, whose sole purpose and ultimate objective is to mock and attack the “crazies” like Abbe Diaz. As a matter of fact, wasn’t that Gawker’s original ploy, to denigrate Abbe Diaz for having the gall to achieve having successfully authored and published a book– without insider “connections,” powerful expensive PR, journalist-friends, literary agents, etc. to propel her through the gates that they so assiduously keep and “safeguard” from the haven of their ivory towers?
Where’s Gawker’s defense now, of their owner/founder? Of their former editors? Of their friends? Of their very profession?
And look, here’s me– personally contacting hundreds of journalists one by one, whose literal jobs are to report specifically on Media & Journalism:
Those are the colleagues of The NY Times and Gawker– and not a single one of them has the balls to do their job? Not a single one has the integrity to adhere to the basic tenets of Journalistic Ethics?
“This media scandal extends far beyond its immediate significance. If the media, the world’s primary and most influential source of information, maintains the ability to rebuke the entirety of society while simultaneously hiding its own unscrupulousness, imagine the global ramifications of such a thing.” – Abbe Diaz
All that blatant corruption, dishonor, and depravity– all that FEAR of Abbe Diaz– and people have the nerve to question our “veracity”?
Exactly. It’s the deafening silence that speaks volumes.
It’s The New York Fucking Times!
Their lack of acknowledgment and atonement is nothing short of disgraceful and reprehensible.
The stupid thing is that if any journo had a brain cell, they would know that this is a career-making story. Like Pulitzer, because the implications of this kind of mass media corruption/collusion is really huge.
LOL. Good point.
Maybe “and brain cell” should be added to “balls… integrity” on the $10K job offer.
140 char limit
Hey Steven and DJ-
How come no one has mentioned that Margaret Sullivan, the former Public Editor of The NY Times, suddenly quit her job, ending her contract “early”, in the middle of all this hubbub?
LOL. My bad!
By *abbe_diaz* commenting at New York magazine
It kinda seems that the Baltimore Sun and the Toronto Star are the most ‘on it,’ but obviously the former NY Times Public Editor/ current WashPo Media reporter would indeed have a uniquely fascinating perspective.
It would also be very interesting to see how WashPo would handle being ‘scooped’ by other news outlets, given their own new Media reporter’s extraordinary position.
P.S. I looove Amazon. Just saying.”
Recode’s Kara Swisher Failed to Disclose Nick Denton’s Shares In Her Parent Company
And Kara Swisher blocked PX This for tweeting about Gawker’s and Denton’s journalistic misconduct?!
So shady!
I wish I could feel bad for the media right now, considering the assault they’re currently suffering under You Know Who —
But all I can think is: Maybe it’s high time credible information comes directly from the trenches, where people actually know of what they speak.
If the Media/PR circle-jerk hadn’t been so egregious all this time, maybe the general public would actually care that journalism is dying.
Very eye-opening as well as jaw-dropping.
I came across this post by Googling Choire Sicha after reading an article about Sicha being the next in line following a long string of predominantly white male editors of The New York Times Styles section.
So, given an opportunity to report on a story arguably befitting a Styles-like compendium, the new editor of the Times’s Style section instead chose to collude in a misappropriation of another writer’s work, for the personal benefit of himself and/or several NY Times staffers? Oh, the horror.
I am very curious to see, given the vast opportunity, whether Choire Sicha will assert his newly gained influence to amend and rectify these heinous misdeeds.
I will eagerly continue to follow this story as it progresses.
Best of luck to you!
Apparently, Liz Spayd, who replaced Margaret Sullivan as The New York Times’s Public Editor after Sullivan abruptly left her position, has been let go by The New York Times.
“Earlier this year, the Times eliminated the public-editor position…”
“Spayd was widely criticized during her brief tenure as the Times’ public editor… She … encouraged more readers to feel bold enough to sue the paper for defamation…”
“Spayd… did write an excellent piece rightly castigating the Times for failing to live up to its own standards for newsroom diversity.”
“Spayd’s role [at Facebook] will involve pushing the company to be more transparent…”
The New York Times’s [former position of] Public Editor “deals specifically with issues regarding journalistic integrity.”
Engadget removed our commentary from their comment section, under an article about Nick Denton and Gawker.
Screen capture is here:
Just saw your tweet, LOL. Hey, whatever happened to that idea of using Twitter as a repository for all the screen captures and emails, etc., from all the journalists and trolls?
Maybe you should do Instagram, too.
Oh, it’s coming – working on it as we speak. It’s taking so long, because it’s a lot to sift through, as you can probably well imagine.
Wait ’til you see it all together – it’s just one SMH after another.
Here’s a prime example of exactly how the media operates in colluding to cover up all this information.
Here are screenshots of Slate deleting not only my comment, but also the encouraging comment of another reader, when questioned abut the media’s complicity.
Lol this is so dumb and fake.
Riiiight, and by contrast, you are so brilliant and sagacious.
Don’t you have a new Deadspin to troll, troll?
Oh wait! Tom Scocca, is that you?
Can’t help but notice how you tweet me a question, and then block everyone who replies. What a brilliant rebuttal!
Pretty sure you’re just going to delete your tweet like the pathetic coward you are. Good thing I have it all screen captured, as usual.
Reference to this information was left at New York magazine comment section:
Screen capture is here:
…just because we all know how comments (and/or user handles) tend to magically vanish at most media outlets.
NY Times editor “steps down” in light of plagiarism/ harassment of Asian-Am authoress
After many years of trying to raise awareness about the plagiarism and violent harassment of an Asian-American authoress at the hands of several New York Times staffers, Choire Sicha, the New York Times editor at the center of our conflict, has “stepped down” from his prestigious, six-figure-earning role as Styles Editor, without explanation.
In light of the recent spate of hateful crimes perpetrated against Asian-Americans, we strongly suspect Sicha’s demotion has furtively and preemptively transpired only now, as The Times’s blatant unscrupulousness is magnified* under the systemic racism microscope. (Sicha’s editorship, at the Times and prior, has a history of condoning anti-Asian bigotry. All of it remains either poorly rectified or unacknowledged entirely.) We believe this is The Times’s latest attempt to sweep their wrongdoing under the rug.
We are seeking help in shedding light on the grave misdeeds perpetrated against Filipina-American author, Abbe Diaz, and in DEMANDING THAT THE NEW YORK TIMES FINALLY AND PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND APOLOGIZE for these injustices. It is no longer acceptable that the entirety of the media is complicit in suppressing this reprehensible scandal. Namely:
– That Abbe Diaz worked for a highly esteemed white male chef, who operated a very famous “clean Chinese” restaurant.
– She quit due to discrimination and workplace abuse.
– She published a memoir about her experiences.
– She was subsequently subjected to unwarranted denigration/ defamation/ censorship/ libel, etc by the NYC-based media, for daring to decry a powerful white male celebrity chef.
– Her story was plagiarized by The New York Times for their own glorification and personal gain, and watered down in order to undermine her consequential message and deprive her of recognition for all her hard work and resilience.
– She was subjected to years of harassment and rape/ death threats at the hands of at least one other Times staffer at the heart of the controversy, for publicizing this malfeasance in her memoirs/ blogs.
– The New York Times eliminated the office of their public editor to evade accountability.
– Hundreds of journalists, many of whom specialize in Media reportage, have ignored the overwhelming evidence of this blatant malfeasance, duplicity, and corruption, in a shameless endeavor of self-escalation or cowering self-preservation.
We are deeply determined to expose this systemic oppression, and are resolute in our conviction that the revelation of these transgressions, committed by arguably the most powerful media institution in the world, will amplify and intensify the exposure of insidious, racist suppression, to the enlightenment and benefit of all Asian Americans.
We can no longer mutedly endure this vile iniquity. Abbe Diaz, 52, has, for decades, been figuratively and helplessly attacked and beaten down by her employers, their privileged clientele, and dozens of unethical journalists. The rest of the media merely gaped, and then walked over and shut the door.
Please help.
Detailed info is here:
* Our upcoming project regarding this prime exemplification of systemic racism/ oppression is here:
Thank you,
Steven Wilson
Creative Director, One Water Monkey Productions
A further email was mass-delivered re: The Daily Beast’s incomplete (to say the least) reportage of Sicha’s demotion, in response to the “rumors” we disseminated.
A copy is here: