the LAUNCH of PX This: The Series
PX Me – The Sequel to PX This (How I became a Published Author, Got Micro-Famous, and Married a Millionaire)
is MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013
the LAUNCH of PX This: The Series
PX Me – The Sequel to PX This (How I became a Published Author, Got Micro-Famous, and Married a Millionaire)
is MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013
You ain’t shit, you lying sperm gulping splooge bucket. You aint sheet.
Keep talking about Coco Henson Scales.
You must think actions doon’t have consequences.
But you are a sychopath. Arent you?
NY Times Staffer Continues to Harass/Threaten Author for Unveiling Alleged NY Times Impropriety