back in late December, we had a major snowstorm. and it was a mess. there were buses backed up for dozens of blocks all the way up Fifth Ave. and everybody complained about what a disaster it was, the streets weren’t plowed for days in some cases. since i don’t have a car it really didn’t affect me that much, i generally walk everywhere anyway. so when everybody else got pissed, all i could think was: well, Mayor Bloomberg did say the city is toe-up, and apparently snow costs "a million dollars an inch." and then the mayor’s approval rating evidently went way down. and so the media joked that this time around he’d declared a "war on snow." (ha ha haa that’s pretty funny actually.) well, we must have won the war. it doesn’t seem that anyone is buried in avalanches today.
(i’m pretty sure the lost income to the city from all the snow-hobbled businesses actually ends up costing more than a million an inch but whatever.)
everybody always asks where i got this aviator "bomber" hat. at the little store that used to be on Houston St just west of La Guardia. they’re not there anymore. :(
omg wtf is with this weather. it’s beginning to occur to me that starting a style blog within an arctic tundra was perhaps not the greatest strategy. staying in again. had to bring a package downstairs for pick-up. the Prorsum boots were still lying around from the night before so i just slipped them on for the trip down the elevator. these boots are so awesome they look good with everything. even ten year old $10 leggings and a ripped t-shirt. the back of this shirt reads, "The Tool Maketh the Man" ha ahaa haa.
boots: Burberry Prorsum, 2010 | top: Geld Iaz, 2009 | pants: The Only Son (men’s), 2010 | x-small hoodie: RLX Ralph Lauren, 2010
dinner with B at La Esquina. yes, that B (he’s doing well, thanks for asking).
Prorsum’s Christopher Bailey is kinda my new idol now. the Only Son pants are men’s but i love them. (not such a great photo but i’ll wear them again, i’m sure.)
spent one night in San Juan en route back home to NYC. the beaches are much nicer in Vieques. walked around and had dinner in Old San Juan, it’s a beautiful town.
last day in Vieques. yesterday we went to the other side of the island (about 4 miles away) where the beaches are nicer and the sea is more placid. (when we arrived here we apparently "just missed the storm," so it was still kinda windy all week.) today we leave for San Juan. it’s a 20 minute flight via Cessna.
i remember i wasn’t sure i wanted to buy these shoes. turns out they’re perfect almost every time i travel. i always try to pack only one dressy pair of shoes because i hate checking in luggage.