the flesh mesh dress mess (redux)

dress: Geld Iaz (original), 1998 | dress: Geld Iaz (redux), 2011


i decided to remake this old dress from 1998, because i’ve pretty much worn it to death. i had it in mind to wear for a certain occasion, but on further speculation i decided the dress was way too transparent to be appropriate. since i had a very similar fabric in stock, only a touch weightier, i figured it would be perfect for a replica.

well it turned out to be a bigger headache than i anticipated, the machine and the fabric did not get along at all. ha ha ahaa, the inside of the dress is a complete disaster, the seams are all awry and i barely bothered with the trimming. but maybe it’s for the best so nobody can buy it right off my back. it happens a lot more times than you’d imagine, i don’t know what the hells clients are thinking sometimes. i’ve lost more personal garments while wearing them than i can even begin to count. so at least this one’s a keeper for sure.


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